What Parents Say About Texas Virtual Academy Hallsville (TVAH)

“I am a senior who has been attending this school for 2 years. This school has provided me with so much support and guidance into my education. The amazing teachers and great classmates […] give me the confidence I need to be able to do my schoolwork. I am also so glad that this school has the flexibility that allows me to do other things I love. My classes are so much fun but they also have the challenges that make me better as a person and a student. I would recommend this school to anyone!”
–Haley, TVAH senior1
“I am a dyslexia student. The self-paced online learning environment allows me to spend more time on things I struggle with completing due to my disability. Digital learning is also better for me because of the direct contact I have with my teachers, even after school hours.”
–Jacob, TVAH student2
“[TVAH has] given me many academic opportunities. I got held back in second grade so originally, I was supposed to graduate in 2026. But I was allowed to take my sophomore and junior year in one year, and instead will graduate in 2025. I love how different my peers are, them being unique makes live classes much more interesting.”
–TVAH sophomore3
1Haley is a 2024 student at a K12-powered school in Texas, and their statement reflects their experience at their school.
2Jacob is a 2024 student at a K12-powered school in Texas, and their statement reflects their experience at their school.
3This student is a 2024 student at a K12-powered school in Texas, and their statement reflects their experience at their school.